Monday, September 17, 2012

UDL and Web 2.0

1.) Web 2.0 within the parameters of education, works extremely well with Universal Design for Learning (UDL). The goal of UDL is to provide multiple means of representation, action and expression, and engagement, web 2.0 can enhance all three of these areas.  There are few words that come to mind after reading the Web 2.0 article, they are, collaboration, self expression, and knowledge. Web 2.0 and all the tools that come with it, allows student to connect with other students, not only in their classrooms, but all over the world. With the use of site like Facebook, Blogger, and Flicker, students cannot only express themselves, but see other do so as well. As an educator of students with and without disabilities, you can get your students involved in blogs that focus on classroom discussions or topics that will be addressed. Often, students become more engaged with the use of the internet and computer.
 As Dina Rosen and Charles Nelson say in the article “Web 2.0 A New Generation of Learners and Education”, “With the increased social interactivity that a Web 2.0 environment provides, information and experiences can be shared and published in many ways.” A Web 2.0 program within a classroom of students with disabilities can provide many different ways for the students to learn and grow in their education. A diverse class needs many options and outlets for learning, which is what Web 2.0 provides. As with anything else, there is always a potential for drawbacks, what if you push Web 2.0, and for some students it doesn’t work? You may have students who can’t handle the stigmatism of a computer screen, or the internet has too many distractions for them. This is when, as an educator you need to be extremely diverse and be able to use both new and old forms of education to reach all students.  
2.) I felt very naïve after watching the “Today Show” clip from 1994. It’s hard to believe that when I was a little girl, there was only slight knowledge about the internet and it was only used on a basic level. The internet has become such a big part of my life these past five years, that I didn’t even consider myself a “digital immigrant”, but basically all of my education, until I entered into college, had little to do with the internet. I believe we should be very aware of the impact this can have on this generation both good and bad. There are certainly many tools that can be used to enhance education and students involvement, but I don’t believe we should throw away all the old values of education, because many of them are still effective, even with the “digital natives”. 

1 comment:

  1. You summarized the readings quite well with your insightful words: collaboration, self expression and knowledge--

    I think another thing to really keep in mind is the way Web 2.0 tools enhance Universally Designed instruction in all ways- expression, engagement and teaching/delivery. It is all about the planning!

    It is interesting that you didn't consider yourself a digital immigrant but only started really using tech in the last 5 years. Now I bet you can't imagine life without it! If you couldn't use something you might feel like you lost an appendage! I know I literally cannot "think" unless I'm at my keyboard. I need to type out my thoughts and ideas-- writing is such a chore!
